Men’s National Freestyle Open
The open is round robin format with cross over championship matches. This event will follow UWW rules. The goal of the open is to get athletes 3-4 matches of high level competition to start their freestyle season. Team rate available for $700 for up to 15 athletes.
Location: Sportika 150 Woodward Rd, Manalapan Township
Date: May 4th, 2025
Rules: Two, three min periods with thirty second breaks in-between, UWW rules
Fee: $60, team fee $700 up to fifteen athletes
Registration: Caps at 200 (first come, first serve)
Weight-Ins: 5/3 4pm-6pm, all weights plus 2kg (also option to weight-in day of)
Start Time: 9AM
Awards: Champ, Second, and OW
Streaming: PA Power
57, 61, 65, 70, 74, 79, 86, 92, 97, 125 KG
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